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Final Conference Program

IIE, IAAST and IA-E Int’l FINAL Conference Program Dec. 21-22, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 

IIE, IAAST and IA-E Int’l Conference Program Dec. 21-22, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 

Dec. 21, 2016 (Wednesday) Venue: Lobby

3:00 pm-5:00 pm

Arrival and Registration for Conference



Thursday, Dec. 22, 2016

Venue: Conference Hall-1


Opening Remarks

Prof. Dr. P. S. Sandhu

Rayat-Bahra University, India


Keynote Speech-1

Prof. Dr. M. Aminur Rahman

Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

TopicIntegration of Aquaculture with Rice Farming: A Way to Increase Farm Productivity, Food security, Livelihood Improvement and Better Environment


Keynote Speech-2

Prof. Mustapha Jazar

LaMA-Liban, Lebanese University, Lebanon

Topic Seawater Intrusion: Mathematical Study and Case Study of Tripoli-Lebanon


Group Photo & Coffee Break


Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)


Venue: Conference Hall

Session Chair: Dr.M.T.Prathap Kumar

Time: 10:20 am-12:30 pm

6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM’2016)



Assistant Professor, NMIT Bangalore, and PhD Student, GCE Ramangaram, INDIA

Bearing Capacity of BC soil Reinforced with Coir Fibers Underlain by Loose Stratum

Jairaj C, Dr.Prathap Kumar M.T, Sridhar.R, Ganesh Kumar, and Guru Prasad

Dr.M.T.Prathap Kumar

Professor and HoD Civil Engineering, RNS Institute of Technology, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka State, India

R. Sridhar

Associate Professor, Nagarjuna college of Engg.& Technology, VTU, India


Sachin Kumar Gupta

PhD Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SMVD University, J&K and Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), UP, India

Network Architectures Exploiting Multiple Tethered Balloon Constellations for Coverage Extension

S. H. Alsamhi, Sachin Kumar Gupta, N. S. Rajput, and R. K. Saket


Optimal Relation between ART and Mobility & Transmission Range at Default QualNet & Calculated Transmission Powers

Sachin Kumar Gupta, Saeed Hamood Alsamhi, and R. K. Saket




Effect of ASE on Raman Gain in 800nm band

Anupam Sahu, Sachin Kumar Gupta, and Vijay Rao Kumbhare


Vijay Kumar Sharma

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India

A Low Leakage Input Dependent ONOFIC Approach for CMOS Logic Circuits

Vijay Kumar Sharma, and Manisha Pattanaik


Dr. Samy E. Oraby

Professor, Department of Manufacturing Engineering Technology, College of Technological Studies, PAAET, Kuwait

Adaptive Control Program for Rough Turning Machining Processes

Samy Oraby, and Ayman Alaskari


Prachya Mukda

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand

Effect from Accessories on Pickup Aerodynamics by Computational Fluid Dynamics

Prachya Mukda


Aeizaal Azman

Lecturer, Science University of Malaysia

An Improved Scrambling Method for PAPR Reduction In OFDM

Aeizaal Azman Abd Wahab, and Adnan Haider


Somnath Chaudhuri

Lecturer, Maldives National University, Republic of Maldives

Geographic Information Portals: Maldives Tourism Perspective

Somnath Chaudhuri


Saeful Bahtiar

Master Student, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Numerical Model and Software for Simulation and Visualization of Flooding in the Urban Area

Saeful Bahtiar, Somporn Chuai-Aree, Anurak Busaman, and Areena Hazanee




Rosalio G. Artes, Jr.

Assistant Professor, Mindanao State University - Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines

Geometric Properties of Square Multilattices

Rosalio G. Artes, Jr., and Ronalyn T. Langam



Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)

Venue: Conference Hall

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. P. S. Sandhu

Time: 10:20 am -12:00 noon

6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM’2016)


Alla Eddine Haddari

PhD Student, Department of Mathematics, Badji Mokhtar University, Algeria

Credibility Premium In Non-Life Insurance

AllaEddine HADDARI, and Mohamed Riad Remita


Boontarika Akassupha

Master Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Silpakorn University, Thailand

Aviation Fuel Production from Palm Fatty Acid Distillate by a Single-Step Hydrotreating Process

Boontarika Akassupha, Worapon Kiatkittipong, Kunlanan Kiatkittipong, Navadol Laosiripojana, and Suttichai Assabumrungrat

6th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Biological Sciences (ICAEBS'16)


Dr. Nani Yuniar, M.Kes

Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

The Factors Related to the Severity of Traffic Accident Victims of Bikers at Emergency Department (Igd) of General Hospital

Nani Yuniar, Denvi Vitayala Zainuddin


Emhemmed Abdullah Alhibshi

Professor, Faculty of Science, Aljabal Algharbi University, Libya

Effect of Heat Processing and Storage on Characteristic and Stability of Some Edible Oils

Emhemmed A. Alhibshi, Jalal A. Ibraheim and Abdulgader S. Hadad



Student, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

The Potential of Carbon and Chlorophyll Concentration on Phytoplankton in Lakes at Campus Universitas Indonesia, Depok

Sumiriyati and Anggari Kirana Dewi


Fathollah Gholami-Borujeni

Assistant Professor, Abadan school of medical sciences, Abadan, Iran

Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Field of Health Care Wastes Management Among Personnel’s of Abadan Hospitals

Fathollah Gholami-Borujeni, Fatemeh Nejatzadeh-Barandozi, Puran Morovvati


Fetni Samira

Student, Department of the organizations, Faculty of Science of nature and the life, University of Batna 2, Algeria

Anti-Inflammatory and Antipyretic Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Rosa Canina L. Fruits

Fetni Samira, Sonia De Pascual-Teresa, Bertella Nabil , Jose Miguel Martinez Zapater, Diego Fernando Rocha, Ana Maria Veses Alcobendas

Int’l Conference On Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer And Electronics Engineering (DMIPCEE-16)


Sarngadi Palgunadi Yohanes

Lecturer, Informatics Department, FMIPA, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

Ijarah Procedure Modeling Using Petri Net (A case study in “KSPPS BMT Bima” Magelang)

Sarngadi Palgunadi Yohanes and Dania Faaskarini


12.30 pm-1:00 pm



Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)


Venue: Conference Hall

Session Chair: Dr. Ajay Kumar Sinha

Time: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM’2016)


Ernesto J. Guades

Assistant Professor, Northwest Samar State University, Phillipines

Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete: Influence of Size of Gravel

Ernesto J. Guades, Ph.D., Otilia G. Taduyo, and Marlon D. Sobreviga


Zaini Abdul Halim

Lecturer, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Artificial Lighting System in Outdoor Image Analysis Application for Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches

N.M.A.Harun, Z.Abdul Halim and H.Ibrahim


Dr. Ajay Kumar Mittal

Associate Professor, Aryabhatta group of Institutes, Barnala, Punjab, India

Solution of Burger’s Equations by Orthogonal Collocation on Finite Elements Hermite Basis

Dr. Ajay Kumar Mittal, and Dr. V K Kukreja


Dr. Ajay Kumar Sinha

Professor, National Institute of Technology, Patna, India

Effect of Pounding on the Global Responses of Adjacent Buildings

Dr. A.K. Sinha, and Saket Kumar


Developments in Construction Practices Towards Seismic Safety of Structures

Dr. A. K. Sinha, and Sharad Singh


Prof. Mustapha Jazar

LaMA-Liban, Lebanese University, Lebanon

Dam Construction versus Underground Water Extraction in Coastal Cities: A Case Study of Tripoli-Lebanon

Kalaoun, H. Moustafa, A. Assoum, and M. Jazar


Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilmurat Azimov

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaii, Manoa, United States

Extremal Solutions for Powered Lunar-Descent Guidance and Targeting

Dr. Dilmurat Azimov


Abdurajan B. Lintasan

Assistant Professor, Mindanao State University - Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines

Uncertainty Principle in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

Abdurajan B. Lintasan, Rosalio G. Artes, Jr., and Shirley Mae A. Galindo


Asst. Prof. Regimar A. Rasid

Mindanao State University - Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines

Combinatorial Approach in Counting the Balanced Bicliques in the Join and the Corona of Graphs

Regimar A. Rasid, and Rosalio G. Artes, Jr.

International Conference On Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer And Electronics Engineering (DMIPCEE-16)


Zerdoumi Saber

PhD Student, University Malaya, Malaysia 

Efficient Approach to Segment Ligatures and Open Characters in offline Arabic Text

Zerdoumi Saber, Aznul Qalid Md Sabri, Amirrudin Kamsin and Saqib Hakak


Sandeep Bhat

Associate Professor, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, India

The Role of Wireless Communication for Autonomous Military Robot

Sandeep Bhat and Dr. M. Meenakshi


Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)


Venue: Conference Hall

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Aminur Rahman

Time: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

6th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Biological Sciences (ICAEBS'16)


Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Si

Lecturer, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

Antioxidant Activity Isoflavones Derived from Solid Waste Tofu

Sri Wahyuni, Ratna, Holilah, Asranudin, Raden Alip Raharjo


Vivek Kumar Singh

Research Associate, Centre of Advanced Study in Botany, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, INDIA

Induction of Defence Responses by Fusaric Acid (Fusarium Toxin) in Tomato Plant

Vivek Kumar Singh, R. S. Upadhyay


Rounak Afroz

Assistant Professor, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

Experimental Investigation on Wave Interaction with Horizontal Slotted Submerged Porous Breakwater

Rounak Afroz, Md. Ataur Rahman


Ddamulira Gabriel

Lecturer, National Crops Resources Research Institute, Uganda

Characterisation of Bambara Groundnut Based On Morphometric Diversity

Ddamulira G, Alenoma G, Karwani G, Ifeyinwa M.O, Umeugochukwu O.P and Alanyo, M


Rini Hamsidi

Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy Halu Oleo University Kendari South East, Indonesia

In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Carthamus Tinctorius  L. Flowers against Plasmodium Berghei  Strain Anka in Male Mice Balb/C

Rini Hamsidi, Aty Widyawaruyanti, Achmad Fuad Hafid, Wiwied Ekasari, Henny Kasmawati, Nur Illiyyin Akib, Wahyuni, M.Hajrul Malaka


Dr. N. Sokhandan Bashir

Associate Professor, The University of Tabriz, Iran

Gene Silencing a Phenomenon in Organism Development and a Cutting Edge Technique

Nemat Sokhandan Bashir


Mira Mutiyani

Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya Univeristy, Indonesia

Identification of nutritional constituents and phytochemical profiles of Red and Black Rice from East Java, Indonesia

Indra Wibowo, Mira Mutiyani, Sophi Damayanti, Nuruliawaty Utami


Dr. Indra Wibowo

Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Ethanolic Extract of Propolis (EEP) Induces Caudal Fin Regeneration in Hyperglycaemic  Zebrafish through Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathway

Indra Wibowo, Annisa D. Indriani, Nuruliawaty Utami, Anggraini Barlian, Ramadhani E. Putra



Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Indonesia

Effects of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine, Chitosan, and Storage Temperatures on Fruit Shelf-Life and Qualities of ‘Cavendish’ Banana

Zulferiyenni, Soesiladi E. Widodo, Alpenda Putri


Qais MG

Faculty of Medicine, Unievrsiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia

Moderation of Back pain by Rehabiliation Exercises;  Multifidus Muscle’ Perspective

Qais Mustafa Gasibat, Nordin Bin Simbak


Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)


Venue: Conference Hall

Session Chair: Dr. Rini Hamsidi

Time: 5:00 pm-6:30 pm

6th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Biological Sciences (ICAEBS'16)


S. M. Kamruzzaman

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal sciences, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Aqueous Extract of Mangifera Indica Inhibits LPS Induced Inflammatory Effects in RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cell

S. M. Kamruzzaman


Enas Moien Nashef

Associate Professor, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Novel green solvents for CO2 capture

Idowu Adeyemi, Mohammad Abu Zahra, and Inas M. AlNashef


Prof. Dr. Faris Jassim Mohammad Al-Imarah

Dept. Chemistry and Marine Environmental Pollution, Marine Science Centre, Basrah University, Basrah- Iraq

Synthesis and Characterization of Copolymers Derived from Salicylic Acid, Acryloamide, and Furfural (SAF's) and their Study as Ion Exchange Resins for Toxic Divalent Cationic Trace Elements

Al-Imarah F.  J.  M., Khwedem, A. A. A., and Ibraheem H. K.              


Nadirah MUSA

Lecturer, School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, MALAYSIA

Influence of Water Temperature on Oxidative Responses in red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis sp

Nadirah Musa, Nazurah Harun, Hazza Roshada Ramli, Tajuddin Abd Manaf, Mazlan A Ghaffar and Najiah Musa


Prof. Dr. Soesiladi Esti Widodo

Professor, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Effects of Sugar Ester Blend Coating of KD-112 and Plastic Wrapping on Fruit Shelf-Life and Qualities of ‘California’ Papaya

Soesiladi E. Widodo, Zulferiyenni, Suskandini R. Dirmawati, Rachmansyah A. Wardhana, Nurul Octavia, Lutfiana Cahyani


Dr. G. M. Saifur Rahman

Assistant Professor, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

First Record of Dengue Vector Aedes aegypti in Gazipur City Corporation, Bangladesh

Rahman G. M. Saifur, Iftekhar Islam, Balal Hossain


Dr. A. Vidhyavathi

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Production Risks of Maize Cultivation in South India

Vidhyavathi , Balasubramanian, Srikanthamurthy and Suganya


Dec. 22, 2016 (Thursday)


Venue: Conference Hall

International Conference On Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer And Electronics Engineering (DMIPCEE-16)


Fatma Ali Salih Alqazlan

Student, Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Counting People in a Crowd Using Viola-Jones Algorithm

A.  Alharbi, A.  Aloufi, E.  Hamawi, F.  Alqazlan, S.  Babaeer and F.  Haron


Fateh Boutekkouk

Lecturer, ReLaCS2 Laboratory, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria

Towards a New Optimization Meta-Heuristic Inspired from Some Core Islamic Principles

Fateh Boutekkouk


Nada Mohammed Alamoudi

Teacher Assistant, Taibah University, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Crowd Density Estimation System for Al-Masjid Al-Haram

S. Eldursi, N. Alamoudi, F. Haron, F. Aljarbua and G. Albakri


Beverly Estephany Parilla-Ferrer

Professor, IT/CS Department School of Computing and Information Sciences, Saint Louis University, Philippines

SVM-Based Domain Adaptation Machine Learned Models for the Automatic Classification of Disaster-Related Tweets

Beverly Estephany Parilla-Ferrer, Patrick Carl A. Austria, Benedict Lorenzo F. Bueno, Victor Nathaniel S. Rabara,  Remigio B. Ramirez, Romina Annie C. Rea


Mohammad Ahmadi

Senior Lecturer,  Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Impact of Web 2.0 Factors on Tourism Industry and Customer Decision Making

Mohammad Ahmadi, Babak Bashari Rad, Muhammad Ehsan Rana Arwa Ahmed Gharama


Using Serious Games to Replicate Scrum Framework in Daily Software Development Practices

Mohammad Ahmadi, Yasaman Anisi, Babak Bashari Rad and Muhammad Ehsan Rana


3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Parallel Tea/Coffee Break






Conference Gallery

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